Anthony Zboralski (Founder, Bellua Asia Pacific / HERT)

Presentation Title: NKill - The Internet Killboard
Presentation Abstract:

Back in 2001 the original NKill project was created to map out the network of trust between IP addresses, hosts, domains, and services; initially limited to Singapore, Indonesia, The Phillipines, Malaysia and Brunei. In 2006, the project was extended to include the .com, .net, .org, .biz and most of the ccTLD zones (well over 90 million domains and their associated hosts.)

The NKill search engine allows one to find potential hidden projects and websites for a given target, that may not be found with discovery tools like Maltego.It also provides you with the ability to discover interesting relationships between seemingly unrelated hosts and companies and pull vulnerable hosts for a specific domain, company or even a whole country.

This talk will present the current work-in-progress on NKill which is being ported to Google AppEngine to solve scalability issues, add collaboration features and make the project publicly available.

About Anthony

Anthony Zboralski is the founder and CTO of Bellua Asia Pacific, an Information Security consulting firm. Anthony has over thirteen years of experience performing penetration tests, assessments, forensics and security related services for some of the largest Asian banks and telcos as well as a dozen Fortune 500 companies.

He is also known as Gaius or Kugutsumen, one of the Hacker Emergency Response Team (HERT) cofounders; he has been involved in the security and hacking community since 1989. (in)famous for social engineering the FBI back in the 90s: “In 1994, a french hacker named Anthony Zboralski called the FBI office in Washington, pretending to be an FBI representative working at the U.S. embassy in Paris. He persuaded the person at the other end of the phone to explain how to connect to the FBI’s phone conferencing system. Then he ran up a $250,000 phone bill in seven months.”, Bruce Schneier, Beyond Fear.