HITBSecConf2009 - Dubai http://conference.hackinthebox.org/hitbsecconf2009dubai April 20th - 23rd Wed, 13 May 2009 23:31:12 +0000 http://backend.userland.com/rss092 en Post Conference Coverage Mainstream Media Researchers Show How To Take Control of Windows 7 - Slashdot http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/04/23/169217&from=rss BitLocker, TPM won't defend all PCs against VBootkit 2.0 - Computer World http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/301058/bitlocker_tpm_won_t_defend_all_pcs_against_vbootkit_2_0 Losing a virtual war - ITP http://www.itp.net/news/553989-losing-a-virtual-war Windows 7 already inherently flawed - Atomic http://www.atomicmpc.com.au/News/143445,windows-7-already-inherently-flawed.aspx Net Security, Windows 7 and Conficker Under Scrutiny ... http://conference.hackinthebox.org/hitbsecconf2009dubai/?p=269 Hack In The Box Security Conference 2009 - Dubai Welcome to the official homepage of HITBSecConf2009 - Dubai. The main aim of the HITBSecConf conference series is to create a truly technical and deep knowledge event in order to allow you to learn first hand on the security threats you face in todays super connected world. The HITBSecConf ... http://conference.hackinthebox.org/hitbsecconf2009dubai/?p=4