Anirudh Anand Security Engineer, CRED / Security Trainer, 7ASecurity

Anirudh Anand is a security researcher with a primary focus on Web and Mobile Application Security. He has been submitting bugs and contributing to security tools for over 7 years. In his free time, he participates in CTF competitions along with Team bi0s (#1 security team in India according to CTFtime). His bounties involve vulnerabilities in Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Zendesk, Sendgrid, Gitlab, Gratipay and Flipboard.

Anirudh also has contributed to several OWASP projects with notable contributions being in OWTF and Hackademic Challenges Project. He has presented/trained in a multitude of conferences including c0c0n 2019, BlackHat Arsenal 2019, BlackHat Europe Arsenal 2018, HITB Dubai 2018, Offzone Moscow 2018, Ground Zero Summit Delhi 2015 and Xorconf 2015.

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