Dr. Ravishankar Borgaonkar Research Scientist, Sintef Digital

Dr. Ravishankar Borgaonkar works as a research scientist at Sintef Digital and undertakes research in securing next generation digital communication. His primary research themes are related to mobile telecommunication and involved security threats. This ranges from 2G/3G/4G/5G network security to end- user device security. After receiving his PhD in ‘security in telecommunication’ area from the technical university of Berlin, he was a security researcher at Deutsche Telekom’s lab for 3 years. Since that time he has worked for Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Secure Computing at Aalto University, as well as for the University of Oxford focusing on 5G security research. He has found several protocol flaws in 3G/4G technologies and assisted in shaping the 5G security architecture. The demonstrated vulnerabilities affected billions of 3G/4G devices and resulted a change in the existing 3G/4G communication standards.

He is also a frequent speaker at the foremost computer security and industry-recognized conferences including Blackhat USA and Europe, Troopers Germany, Hack in the Box, Ruxcon Australia and many others.

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