Hack At The Studio: Catch Up With Aloysius Cheang

Our new HITB Studio track where we’ll keep you updated on what’s happening throughout the event including pre and post interviews with speakers and friends of HITB

Aloysius Cheang, Chief Security Officer, Huawei UAE

Aloysius is currently the Chief Security Officer of Huawei UAE responsible for driving the Company’s cybersecurity vision of building a safe and secure intelligent connected digital world in the UAE and the region. He is currently a Board Director for US-based (ISC)2, as well as UK-based cyber leadership think tank, the Centre for Strategic Cyberspace + International Studies (CSCIS). In his career spanning 20 years, Aloysius was a Co-Founder / Managing Director for Cloud Security Alliance Asia Pacific (CSA) and Chief Standards Officer for CSA globally. Prior the CSA, he was the Worldwide Head of Security for Vodafone Global Enterprise and a Security Practice Leader with PricewaterhouseCoopers Singapore, having started his career with DSO National Laboratories in Singapore focusing on Defence R&D.

Location: HITB STUDIO Date: August 27, 2021 Time: 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Aloysius Cheang Dhillon ‘L33tdawg’ Kannabhiran Sreeman Shanker