Hack At The Studio: Post Talk Q&A With Jeremy Brown

Our new HITB Studio track where we’ll keep you updated on what’s happening throughout the event including pre and post interviews with speakers and friends of HITB

Jeremy Brown, Security Researcher

Jeremy is a bug hunter and security professional largely focused on offensive and application security along with vulnerability research and automation. He has gained extensive software security experience working at software and service companies, large and small, for over a decade as well as publishing research in the security community. He has taken the opportunity to gain expertise in many different areas including bug hunting, app/prod/infra security, fuzzing, as well as breaking cloud and web services and leading various appsec and broad security initatives.

Location: HITB STUDIO Date: August 27, 2021 Time: 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Jeremy Brown Dhillon ‘L33tdawg’ Kannabhiran Sreeman Shanker