Blockchain and dApps security
– Web3 bug hunting impressive payouts
– Deep dive in the latest hacks (updated to 2023)
Introduction to Smart Contracts
– Overview of ERC Tokens in the Ethereum ecosystem
– Fungible Non-Fungible and mixed tokens: ERC20, ERC-721 and ERC 1155
– Token structure, key components and lifecycle
– OpenZeppelin contracts and interfaces
Our first smart contract:
– Develop and deploy a simple smart contract
– Identify possible vulnerabilities
Understanding the major security vulnerabilities
– Reentrancy attacks: the Check-Effect interaction (CEI)
– Authorization in ERC tokens
– DoS attacks
Build a smart contract security testing arsenal
– static analysis: slither and mythril
– mutation testing tools
– fuzz testing tools
Bug bounty platforms and CTF
– Introduction to the most common bug bounty platforms
– CTF and vulnerable smart contract to practice