Eng. Selene Giupponi is one of the (very) few ladies involved in Digital Forensics and Cyber Security Investigations.
She graduated in Computer Engineer at Università La Sapienza in Rome, while working on many digital forensic investigations, during and after her academic studies. Then she graduated in Computer Forensics & Digital Investigations with the Italian Cyber Crime Police (Min. of Interiors) over the very same year. Selene is a consultant and Law Court Witness expert in those criminal cases where DF is called-in. She has been a speaker and trainer to different Digital Underground and Cybersecurity conferences, as well as a teacher at various Universities, MoDs and Law Enforcement agencies in Italy and abroad. Consultant for Swascan since the foundation.
Currently, Selene is Managing Director Europe at Resecurity Inc., a security company which does undercover investigations on the DarkWeb. She’s a Council member of Women4Cyber (EU) from Dec 2020 and one of the founder members of W4C Italy Chapter.