by Captain Kelvin

Hardware Ninja is once again hosting an exciting hardware forensics village at HITB!

Don’t miss us at the Lobby Level where you’ll get to analyze storage chips, dissect drones, and explore radio frequencies.

This is not just about soldering or desoldering components – get a chance to dive deep into the analysis of various hardware elements like eMMC/UFS chips, components of common Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), and Software Defined Radio (SDR)/Radio Frequency (RF) systems.

You’ll also get to try out these new portable chip-off systems and unreleased SDR devices:

  • MiPi Tester: A powerful eMMC/UFS reader.
  • SDRPi: A custom-designed SDR device that covers frequencies from 10MHz to 6GHz.
  • And learn about attack vectors related to drones (UAS).

See you at the Forensics Village at the Lobby Level!