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Doctor Nguyen Anh Quynh


Capstone, Unicorn, & Keystone Engine

Doctor Nguyen Anh Quynh is a regular speaker at numerous industrial cybersecurity conferences such as BlackHat USA/Europe/Asia/Middle East, DEFCON, Recon, HackInTheBox, Zeronights, H2HC, NULL, etc. He has also presented his research in academic venues such as Usenix, IEEE, ACM, LNCS. His contribution to the field lays the foundation for various innovative works in the cybersecurity industry and academia. As a passionate coder, Dr. Nguyen is the founder and maintainer of several open-source reversing projects: Capstone (, Unicorn ( & Keystone (

Hacker of All Things

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Hacker of All Things

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Hacker of All Things

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