Talk incoming

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Hacker of All Things

Undisclosed Co

Call for Papers Now Open

CFP Submission Period

09 Feb 2024 – 30 Apr 2024 23:59 (GMT+07:00) Bangkok

CFP Requirements

In total we have spots for 16 half-hour presentations and we’re looking for talks that cover a wide range of topics including:
  • AI/Machine Learning
  • ARM
  • Automotive Security
  • Blockchain / Smart contracts
  • Bug Hunting
  • Cloud Computing
  • Crypto Currency
  • Electronics & Micro Controllers
  • Forensics
  • Hardware / Embedded Reverse Engineering
  • Home Automation
  • Malware
  • Mobile Communications
  • Network Security
  • Next Generation Application Development
  • Quantum Computing
  • Red Team
  • Reverse Engineering
  • RFiD, Bluetooth and NFC
  • Sidechannel Analysis
  • Software Security
  • Virtual Reality
  • 3D Printing / Fabrication

Talk Durations

60 minutes


Each accepted submission will entitle the speaker(s) to:

  • Travel reimbursement up to USD1200 per speaking slot
  • Hotel for 3 nights / 4 days (twin sharing room) per speaking slot
  • 1 x VIP Ticket to #HITB2024BKK (for you to share as you see fit)
  • Invitation to Speaker Welcome Reception
  • Invitation to Post Conference Reception
  • Access to Post Conference Party

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Security Researcher

Undisclosed Co

Principal Security Researcher

Kaspersky ICS CERT

Senior Engineer

Undisclosed Co

Senior Manager

Exela Technology

Security Research Group Manager

Kaspersky Lab


Nisl Lab, Tsinghua University

Security Researcher


Associate Professor, Department of Public & International Affairs

City University of Hong Kong