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Lock Picking Village

Filed under: Main Page — Administrator @ 4:17 pm

Set up by members from the The Open Organization of Lockpickers, attendees to this year’s event will be invited to try their hands at bumping and other physical security bypass methods.

It has always been customary for TOOOL-sponsored physical security sessions to incorporate some degree of audience interaction and hands-on training. Sometimes this has taken the form of publicly-submitted locks being given on the spot security analysis, other times members of the general public with no lockpicking experience have been invited to attempt a bypass in order to demonstrate its ease. Overall, however, the most rewarding and educational form of audience participation has tended to be occasions when a wide array of hardware is put forth and individuals can attempt use of the very tools and techniques demonstrated in the security session they just witnessed.

When sample locks and picks are made available, the public inevitably finds most equipment astonishingly easy to compromise and comes away with a better understanding of how to protect themselves. It is in this spirit of educational fun that The Open Organization of Lockpickers has begun to organize “Lockpick Villages” at security events around the world. Attendees of technology conferences can learn about physical security in a training session, then can immediately attempt to apply what they have witnessed… often to great effect. Picks, wrenches, and plenty of guidance and advice are made available to the public in the Lockpick Village. All who participate are guaranteed to have a good time and to come away with a healthier and more in-depth understanding of physical security hardware. While TOOOL has attended many events on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, this is our first time to venture across the Pacific to Asia. We have had little exposure to the physical security elements of the area. Thus, we extend to you the attendees an opportunity to see how well your locks can thwart our humble members. If possible, please feel free to bring a lock that you trust and see if it stands up to our battery of tests.

Event Organizer

Hack In The Box (M) Sdn. Bhd.

Supported & Endorsed By

Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)

Malaysian Administrative Modernisation & Management Planning Unit

Platinum Sponsors

Microsoft Corporation

Gold Sponsors


Official Airline Partner

Internet Bandwidth Sponsor

Global Transit

CTF Sponsor

Scan Associates

CTF Prize Sponsor

Scan Associates

Sponsor for Zone-H/HITB Hacking Challenge


HITB Cinema Sponsor

Avenuz Sdn. Bhd.

Official Creation Station

The Womb.com

Our Speakers are Supported By

F-Secure Corporation

Arbor Networks


Bellua Asia Pacific


Mozilla Corporation

Mu Security

Supporting Media:

Virus Bulletin

Virus Bulletin (VB)

InfoSec News

(ISN) InfoSec News

InfoSec News

XAKEP (Russia)

Insecure Magazine

PHRACK Magazine

Hakin9 Magazine

Supporting Organizations

Chaos Computer Club

ISECOM - Insititue for Security and Open Methodologies


IT Underground

X-Focus China

Zone-H Defacement Mirror

Xatrix Security

Special Interest Group in Security & Information InteGrity Singapore
