Nitesh Surana

Senior Security Threat Researcher

Trend Micro


Track 2


August 25



Nitesh Surana works as a Senior Threat Researcher with Trend Micro. His passion revolves around Cloud Vulnerability & Security Research, Developer Security, Threat Hunting, building honeypots targeting container environments and finding abuse vectors for cloud services. Previously, Nitesh has been credited for reporting security issues to various companies, startups, and governments. His findings have been recognized by the US Department of Defense, the Zero Day Initiative and his research has been mentioned across ZDNet, BleepingComputer, TheHackerNews, Dark Reading, The Register amongst others. In addition to his previous work in a Managed Security Operations Center and Purple Teaming, he has presented on existing and new research in communities and conferences such as Null/OWASP Bangalore, DecodePH, c0c0n, Security BSides, NDC. Apart from playing with packets and syscalls, Nitesh is found attending concerts and playing music.