Jan-Jaap Korpershoek

Jan-Jaap is an ethical hacker with experience in the areas of reverse engineering, penetration testing of a diverse range of systems, red teaming and phishing. Jan-Jaap has a background in technical computer science and has a focus on improving the efficiency of tooling and developing tools in area’s where the current tooling is lacking.
Tijme Gommers

Tijme is Product Lead Adversary Simulation in a red team. In his role, he facilitates red team operators with the tools needed to simulate APT’s as accurately as possible. He spends most of his time on cyber security research. Over the past years, this research mainly focused on Adversary Tactics and Red Team Operations. Furthermore, […]
Rajesh Kanumuru

Rajesh Kanumuru works at we45 as a Cloud Security Lead. Rajesh is a builder and breaker of Cloud applications. He has created some pioneering works in the area of Cloud Security. He is actively researching the effects of emerging technologies on cloud security. Since 2020, Rajesh has mostly been involved with research, development, and building […]
Dhia Mahjoub

Dhia is currently an independent researcher with interests in crypto and web3 data analysis. He was formerly the Head of Security Research at Cisco Umbrella leading his team in creating scalable threat intelligence systems, improving the product, and supporting key business. Before that, he was the first senior researcher at OpenDNS where he built key […]
Quan Jin

Quan Jin(@jq0904) is a security research expert from DBAPPSecurity WeBin Lab. His interests are vulnerability research and itw 0day hunting. He has received more than 40 CVE acknowledgments from Microsoft/Adobe/Apple, and has been listed as a MSRC Most Valuable Security Researcher for three years(2020-2022). He once spoke at Bluehat Shanghai 2019, HITB2021AMS and BlackHat USA […]
Captain Kelvin

Captain Kelvin (a.k.a. Forensics and Hardware Ninja) is an independent security researcher. He is specialist in hardware analysis and digital forensics. He focus on the drone security and forensics researches. He was the first and the only one Asian who leaded a group of white-hat hackers to held an in-depth, hands-on drone and hardware hacking […]
Jos Wetzels

Jos Wetzels is a security researcher at Forescout specializing in embedded systems security. His research has involved reverse-engineering, vulnerability research and exploit development across various domains ranging from industrial and automotive systems to IoT, networking equipment and deeply embedded SoCs. He previously worked as a researcher at the Distributed and Embedded Security group (DIES) at […]
Dexter Chen

Dexter Chen is a threat researcher at TXOne Network with a primary focus on penetration testing, red teaming, and Active Directory security. He used to be a red teamer that specialized in lateral movement and operation security in Trend Micro. He was a frequent speaker at several international cyber security conferences such as Black Hat, […]
Peter “blasty” Geissler

Peter “blasty” Geissler is an independent security researcher from the Netherlands. He’s well known for facilitating code execution on various game console platforms, writing exploits for various popular software packages and being a founding member of the Eindbazen CTF team as well as an organizer for the HITBSecConf AMS CTF!
Martin Doyhenard

Martin is a security researcher at the Onapsis Research Labs. His work includes performing security assessment on SAP and Oracle products and detecting vulnerabilities in ERP systems. His research is focused on Web security and reverse engineering. Over the past 3 years, Martin has reported critical vulnerabilities for SAP and Oracle, and presented his researches […]